Changing Your Smile – One Veneer At A Time

Changing Smile

Are you unhappy with your uneven and/or discolored smile? Have you noticed small chips or cracks in any of your teeth? Well, don’t worry— Dental veneers are an affordable and reliable solution to imperfect smiles, we’re highly experienced in cosmetic veneer treatments.

Dental veneers are a form of cosmetic dentistry in which the surface of the tooth is covered with a layer of tooth-colored porcelain composite to protect the tooth from additional damage, and give you the beautiful smile you desire. In fact, veneers can solve most, if not all, of your cosmetic dental issues, including:

Uneven Tooth Alignment: Through the years your teeth can become uneven as a result of grinding, or wear and tear.

Wide Spacing: Veneers can (if needed) add an extra layer to widely spaced teeth, filling in those gaps, and giving you a more symmetrical smile.

Worn Enamel: Over time, the thin protective layer of enamel that covers your teeth may become dulled, discolored, and worn. Though this can sometimes be caused by genetics, it’s usually the result of smoking or drinking soft drinks, coffee, and/or tea.

Wear And Tear: As we age, our teeth naturally wear down and become less resilient. Aged teeth are also more susceptible to minor cracks and chips.

Veneers can help you change the color, shape, alignment, spacing, and length of your teeth using cosmetic dentistry! Cosmetic veneers are considered a form of cosmetic dentistry because they create vibrant and beautifully aligned smiles—but, they also protect the surface of your teeth and can help eliminate future damage and additional treatment!