Basics of Gum Disease

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Have you ever been advised to watch for signs of gum disease?

Chances are, if you’ve ever visited a dentist, you’ve been checked—to some extent—for symptoms of this problem.

Gum disease can be divided into three stages… which can range from a simple amount of gum inflammation to major tissue damage and tooth loss. It’s been said before, but as a reminder, the sooner periodontal disease is caught the more we can do to successfully reverse the effects.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Gums bleed easily while flossing or brushing
  • Swollen, red or tender gums
  • Receding or separated gums that are exposing teeth
  • Changes in how your teeth fit together
  • Constant bad breath or unpleasant taste in your mouth

Of course, never having gum disease is the best scenario.

Because gum disease starts with bacteria in the plaque on your teeth, paying close attention to your oral hygiene is your greatest defense. This includes your daily care—thorough brushing and regular flossing, as well as your regular checkups. If plaque hardens to your teeth, only a dental cleaning can completely remove it and stop gum disease from starting.

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